"Here I must bid you lay aside your weapons before you enter."
--- Háma, "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien Welcome!If you are new to the Middle Earth Collectable Card Game, check out some tutorials or ask for an introduction in the Discord channel.If you are a veteran, perhaps you are interested in upcoming or player . Whether you bring warning, or peril, or are a picker of bones, carrion-fowl that grows fat on war, join us at Meduseld! ![]()
"Behold! you are come into a peril greater even than the wit of Wormtongue could weave into your dreams. But see! you dream no longer. You live."
--- Gandalf, "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien EventsIf there is an event you would like to see, or have questions about running your own event, mention it to us in the CoM Discord chat!Upcoming events:
Past events
"Then even the defeat of Rohan will be glorious in song."
--- Aragorn, "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien Standings
The Council of Meduseld tracks the games of public sanctioned events as well as player-submitted games. Submitted games will be included in tracking when deemed to sufficiently follow ICE play rules, as determined by the CoM. (DC games are not tracked at this time.) CoM offers a Participation Score, a Participation Penalty Fraction, and a League Ranking. All contributions decay over time, and players are encouraged to contribute at least 3 games against different opponents a year to stay ranked. (It is a Mark of Honor for active community members to issue or accept one challenge per quarter with someone within a quarter of their rank.) To submit a game outside of a sanctioned event: Both players should message Council of Meduseld#7997 via Discord prior to the start of the game. The message should include who the opponent is and a summary of the game format---agreed upon deck restrictions such as constructed or sealed, alignment restrictions, and whether players bring two decks for different opposing alignments ("General Opponent"). Upon completion, both players should then submit the game results to Council of Meduseld#7997 .Participation contributions are larger for playing games in larger events. Penalties (summarized at the bottom) may be applied for dropping a game or an event. League ranks are designed to separate performance from participation. They are based on scoring players so that the difference in scores between pairs of players is roughly their historical Tournament Point difference for games actually played---missed matches don't count. (It is related to a generalization of SpringRank.) This means that ranks are in the context of the distribution of formats played, which likely differs for each player, and so should be taken lightly! This is particularly true for players getting terrible sealed collections. Players with few games are noted; their ranks could change especially easily. Precise ranks are not distinguished for the bottom 1/4 of ranked players. The goal is to integrate the in-person and online rankings once enough network connectivity exists between the two. ICE ranking points are based on "Middle-earth CCG Official Ranking System by Chraig 'Ichabod' O'Brien, for I.C.E." Per CoL Tournament Policy, it only includes events with at least 6 players that use a Swiss or Round Robin pairing scheme, noted in the file. Without a regular yearly timeline, Ichabod's 0.2x (or 0x for negatives) multipliers per season is replaced with a "decayed" RP calculation. After each tournament, the points of that tournament are added to the ranking points from after the previous tournament reduced by a fraction for each month that elapsed between. The decay is currently based on a 3 year rather than 1 year timescale, so 0.2x (or 0.01x for negative sums) for every 36 months.
Comparing the two technical rankings, CoM League focuses on relating players based on pairwise game performance while the ICE ranking system is based simply on rewarding high tournament placement. Playing more frequently with similar performance acts as a ranking point difference multiplier for the ICE ranking system, while in the CoM League it solidifies the existing ranks. Another large difference is, e.g., players dropping out mid-tournament---they are essentially lowest place in the tournament and would receive a large reduction in ICE rank, while CoM League only uses games actually played. CoM League also rewards large TP leads, while the ICE ranking system does not differentiate between a large TP lead and going to third tiebreakers.
Past standings:
"His voice was low and secret, and none save the king heard what he said. But ever as he spoke the light shown brighter in Théoden's eye."
--- "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien CounselHere are some recommendations for play. As with all counsel, your choices are still yours to make.
Rules PrecedenceCoM recommends the following Conservative approach to rules, where rulings more distant from ICE are given lower precedence, in the sense that they are only considered when there is ambiguity from higher precedent sources.
CoM also recognizes (but does not recommend) the following Aggressive approach to rules precedence:
CoM highly discourages rule-by-intimidation, including the traditional approaches of precedent given to those that talk the most or the loudest, or those citing past tournament achievements. ScoringCoM is interested in modernizing the Council of Lorien tournament point system, and has trialed new systems since the Spring of 2023.We are currently in early trials of an All Points Count (continuous) system. Until that is ready... CoM suggests the following system (version 3), which is designed to 1) even out the thresholds for the trailing player so that they are more likely to always be within reach or risk of changing their TP, 2) slightly increase the imporance of win rate compared to crushing victories, and 3) reduce Swiss pairing skill variance from early concessions and One Ring losses.
"As his fingers took the hilt, it seemed to the watchers that firmness and strength returned to his thin arm."
--- "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien ResourcesMusings for MECCG Entry
Tools (showcase video)Online Play Platform Tutorials
Game Recordings
"Come, come! We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel."
--- Gandalf, "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien Community
"But when I escaped and warned you, then the mask was torn, for those who would see."
--- Gandalf, "The Two Towers," J.R.R. Tolkien The Council of Meduseld aims to bring the MECCG player community together by being a hub for communicating events and play results. We also aim to empower strategy theoreticians and event organizers to act with independence while building off the wisdom of peers. The Tenets of the Council of Meduseld
Relation to the Council of ElrondAs we see it, the "world-coordinating body" Council of Elrond must necessarily be political because of its unification mantle. We believe it needn't be authoritarian, but its choices to approach leadership via authoritarianism have excluded many community members. While any shift by CoE toward more systematically supporting the values espoused by CoM would tbe thrilling, the reality is that the world will always include Peoples with other values, for whom CoE is also obliged to be a haven. On the whole, such unification is Good. It can also be a source of disputes. Due to this potential tension, CoM more resembles an arts council---indeed, according to wikipedia (accessed 2023-3-8), arts councils "often operate at arms-length from the government to prevent political interference in their decisions." Through separation, the Council of Meduseld has a chance to pursue its favored arts more freely. We thus aim to join the fan-site soundscape as a musical counterpoint, distant yet harmonizing, rather than butting in with discordant bickering.This is not meant to signify any loss of appreciation of what CoE can offer. CoM expects that most CoE events based on the official ICE cards will be eligible for inclusion in the CoM League Ranking, and CoE in turn has voiced support for CoM initiatives. Why Meduseld?In The Lord of the Rings, Meduseld is the home and mead hall of the house of Eorl, the leaders of the Rohirrim, a place of social gathering, war-planning, and award conferrence. The Rohirrim are the most central non-Dunedain men of the novels, and Meduseld is the setting of the first instance of Gandalf at work that readers receive after his return, restoring the strength and will of Theoden King and urging him to commit to battle. We similarly urge old and new players to join in the community. The world need not be dark!Additionally, compared to much of Tolkien's other rich storytelling, Meduseld is relatively new, not smothered in history from previous Ages of the world. Let us take a fresh perspective on how we can collaborate with each other in enjoying some great games. HistoryThe Middle Earth Collectable Card Game was created by Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) between 1995 and 1998, at which point the licenser removed their ability to sell Middle Earth products. ICE had been publishing role-playing game manuals for several decades, and perhaps as a consequence the CCG they made offers richer game storytelling and strategy---at the cost of rule complexity---than essentially every other CCG I've seen. The community has persisted through the years, likely because of these achievements.With the release of the free, browser-based play platform cardnum in August 2018, the community realized a new potential for diverse participation. This presented new opportunities to overcome the age-old mindsets for organizing events and handling rules disputes. The first cardnum tournament was held two years later, when the Coronavirus pandemic brought more play online. The idea of Council of Meduseld began to take shape in the mind of prominent community member Theo around the start of 2021, and was first released at the start of 2023. This site has been initially populated with the contributions of a few, but we hope to involve more contributors over time. Contact us with ideas! I, CoM webmaster Theo, am many things, but one thing that I am not is a very practiced website developer. If you would like to offer suggestions or code, I am as growth-minded as my time allows. |