Ok here is the deck that won me the METW ONLY tournament on Cardnum. Overall there are too few MP cards in the deck. In all of my four games I had turns where I couldn't play anything because I had no MP cards in hand. The whole deck is constructed to avoid Assassins. Nevertheless I would probably switch the 2 Vanishment for Rangers of the North and maybe Blue Mountain Dwarves. One could use Secret Entrance from sideboard to avoid Assassins while moving there. Please also note the number of hazard creatures in the deck. They made a difference in 3 of 4 games. Pool 2 Healing Herbs 1 Aragorn II 1 Bilbo 1 Círdan 1 Elrond 1 Fatty Bolger 1 Frodo 1 Merry 1 Pippin 1 Robin Smallburrow 1 Sam Gamgee Characters 2 Pallando 1 Radagast Resources: 30 1 Gollum 1 Elves of Lindon 1 Narsil 1 Orcrist 1 Scroll of Isildur 1 The Mithril-coat 1 Torque of Hues 3 Gates of Morning 3 Concealment 2 Dark Quarrels 3 Halfling Stealth 2 Halfling Strength 1 Risky Blow 3 Stealth 1 Tempering Friendship 3 The Cock Crows 2 Vanishment Hazards: 30 1 Ambusher 3 Assassin 3 Cave-drake 3 Pûkel-men 2 Slayer 1 Adûnaphel 1 Akhôrahil 1 Dwar of Waw 1 Hoarmûrath of Dír 1 Indûr Dawndeath 1 Khamûl the Easterling 1 Ren the Unclean 1 Witch-king of Angmar 1 Ûvatha the Horseman 1 Mouth of Sauron 2 Call of Home 3 River 3 Twilight Sideboard: 15 Hazard (8) 1 Lure of Expedience 1 Lure of Nature 1 Lure of Power 1 Lure of the Senses 1 Muster Disperses 1 The Balance of Things 1 The Will of the Ring 1 Tookish Blood Resource (7) 1 A Friend or Three 1 Praise to Elbereth 1 Rangers of the North 1 Secret Entrance 1 Tom Bombadil 1 Wizard's Laughter 1 Wizard's Voice Deck Notes Starting w/ Bilbo (Herbs) + Sam + Fatty + Robin (Herbs); big guys go to the deck after draft and one of them joins the Wizard. Alternative starting company is either Aragorn (Cirdan/Elrond) + Fatty + Bilbo (Sam if Elrond/Cirdan is chosen) or 4 other hobbits. The hobbits travel mostly in dragon country. While your wizard and big guy remain in Eriador.