My minion deck was based on factions around Mordor and some Mordor shuffle. It had the „weakness“ of scoring not more than 30 regular MP. So I played it in round 1 vs Guillaume who played hero. His enhanced spiders gave me a hard time and many were wounded. My hazards vs hero were mainly corruption cards that worked pretty well in the end. In game 2 my heros faced Theo's minions. A highlight was his overt company attacking mine in Minas Tirith after playing the Palantir. Not too much harm was done and the counter attack was launched the following turn again doing less harm than excepted. Phil was my opponent in round 3 and he played a ring wrath deck similar to my decks from round 1. My rolls were lucky and I scored 11 MP from factions. The next game was vs. Steven's fallen Radagast. The key turn in this game was turn 1. Steven was lucky to draw him in his starting hand. Radagast's only job was to move from Rhosgobel to the wizard heaven in Rhuduar to be safe and sound for the remaining game. The slayer could not do much harm, so a giant spider helped my fishing the job. In the final round Karsten and his fallen Alatar were waiting for me. We both fought hard and had to gain our MP under pain. Karsten call the council leading 26-23 (or so). He killed Gildor and allowed me to play only 2 (one marsh drake and one noble steed) instead of 7 MP (orcrist, noble steed and tower guard) of in my last turn. But his guys were loaded with corruption so he had to roll CC for almost every character. Only one character failed the check and it was the one controlling his only ally. So my three noble steeds doubled and the game ended in my favor. During the whole tournament my dice rolls were with some exception reliable while most opponents lost their wizard or key characters to unlucky rolls.